About me

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Who is Hector H. Rivera Vaca?

I have three professional passions: marketing, the internet, and web development.

Let me tell you my professional story.

My first approach to internet marketing was twenty years ago while doing my Thesis to get my degree in Commercial Engineering. In 2010 I decided to get into my third passion: web development.

Years ago I decided to merge the three of them into a single skill: Search Engine Optimization. For over eighteen years I helped small businesses to reach their goals.

Also, I launched more than 10 projects. Some of them became successful and one of them knocked me out! And I'm still here, building the best version of myself.

Business Administrator

Autidit chart finance graph with handwriting. Image used as header for the section Comercial Engineer

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Commercial Engineering (Business Administration in U.S. equivalent) extended by Universidad Privada del Valle in Bolivia in 2002. This career is about finding market needs, building the correct product or service for that niche, launch it to the market with a proper marketing strategy. So, this is what my profession is about; building an offer for a demanding market.

My Thesis to obtain my degree was about how to market a product through the Internet. When the Internet came, I felt strongly attracted to it. That is why I decided to mix my profession with the Internet in my degree Thesis.

Technical SEO

SEO activities in web development. Image used as header for Technical SEO section

In 2015 I decided to move forward in my career, and begin my SEO journey. After many years working for a huge Corporation and several personal entrepreneurships, I thought it was time to focus on something I really wanted, Internet marketing. I explored Social Media, email, search engine, and content marketing but decided to concentrate on search engine optimization. This last has something that woke up an old passion, programming. So I began my journey by gathering my academic knowledge and internet marketing with SEO.

Web Developer

Black screen and coding lines

I also work as a freelance front-end web developer for the last 3 years. Technical SEO opened a door that was closed for many years. My first web development course was in 2009. Those old days using mainly HTML and Flash to build websites were my first approach to web development. That is why I decided to complement my old HTML knowledge with CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, some CSS frameworks, tools like SASS and Gulp, and a little bit of Python. So this is my story, today I'm working on gathering my academic degree, and my two passions, the internet, and web development.

However that is not all, I have new learning projects in my new career because more skills are needed in this digital era. So I invite you to stay tuned to evaluate if I can contribute to your project or business, as a freelance or full-time associate.

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